
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

An error occurred while making the requested connection

Please check out for more of my technical posts, alternately please call us on 01932 268289. 

Recently I had an issue where I was getting the following error when trying to launch a Virtual Desktop via a CAG.

Upon looking closer at the issue I noticed that the Web Interface config had not been setup right and the URL for the STA was actually missing the correct path (http://IPAddressOfDDC/scripts/ctxsta.dll) to the STA and once it was changes to the correct format the Virtual Desktops could launch successfully.

If you have the same issue check the event logs of the Web Interface and see if event ID's 30016 and 30205 are being logged.

Hope this helps someone out.

Monday, 18 March 2013

How to delete License's on XenDesktop

Please check out for more of my technical posts, alternately please call us on 01932 268289. 

Every now and then you'll find that you might need to delete a few licenses on your XenDesktop installation generally due to over usage, bit of a pain when a user gets this error as it displays an error about not enough licenses available.

First from where you have installed the license server run the following commands from C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Licensing\LS

udadmin -list

This will display who is currently using a license and when it is due to expire.

siobhan.andrews XDT_ENT_UD 2013.0815
stephen.dunn XDT_ENT_UD 2013.0815
steve.jerome XDT_ENT_UD 2013.0731
suzanne.ballantine XDT_ENT_UD 2013.0815
sylvia.munn XDT_ENT_UD 2013.0815
teena.omara XDT_ENT_UD 2013.0815

Next find the user who you want to delete and then type the following command.

udadmin -f XDT_ENT_UD -user teena.omara -delete

you have now released a license

udadmin -list
Displays all the users and devices.

udadmin -list -a
Lists all features, versions, counts of licenses, and the users and devices for each feature.

udadmin -f XDT_ENT_UD -user u8.08 -delete
Releases one user from one feature.

udadmin -f XDT_ENT_UD -device dn01.88 -delete
Releases one device from one feature.