To gives full access permission to all the mailboxes
Get-Mailbox | Add-MailboxPermission -AccessRights Fullaccess -User
To remove mailbox permissions
get-mailbox -server "servername" | remove-mailboxpermission -user Domain\Username_here -AccessRights "FullAccess"
Bulk imports Mail contacts in to Exchange2007 via a CSV file
Import-Csv c:\csv\book1.csv | ForEach { New-MailContact -Name $_.displayName -Firstname $_.FirstName -LastName $_.LastName -ExternalEmailAddress $_.Emailaddress -Alias $_.Alias -OrganizationalUnit "" }
This is the book1.csv file that was imported - look at the format
DisplayName FirstName LastName Emailaddress Alias OrganizationalUnit
Ted Smith (Internet) Ted Smith tedsmith
Get list of all mailboxes with all details and export to CSV file
Get-Mailbox | export-csv c:\csv\export.csv | Format-List
Get list of all Distribution Lists and export to CSV file
Get-DistributionGroup | export-csv c:\csv\DL.csv | FT Name, AddressListMembership
add full mailbox rights to a mailbox
Get-Mailbox -Identity server | Add-MailboxPermission -AccessRights fullaccess -User
to get a list of all users in a distribution list
Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "UK-Marketing Bulletin" | export-csv c:\DL.csv
to change the default search scope
To set the recipient scope to the Marketing Users OU in the domain, run the following command:
$AdminSessionADSettings.DefaultScope = " Users"
To set the recipient scope to the domain and use as the recipient domain controller, run the following commands:
$AdminSessionADSettings.DefaultScope = ""
$AdminSessionADSettings.PreferredDomainControllers = ""
To set the recipient scope to the entire forest and use as the global catalog server, run the following command:
$AdminSessionADSettings.ViewEntireForest = $True
$AdminSessionADSettings.PreferredGlobalCatalog = ""
Test Outlook Web Services for a certain user and output them in to a DOS box
Test-OutlookWebServices -I | fl
To check wheather a group has sender auth enabled
Get-DistributionGroup “Group? | Select-Object Name, RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled
to disabled sender auth
Set-DistributionGroup “Group? -RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled $False
Get Transport Servers full details exported to a CSV file
Get-TransportServer | export-csv c:\will.csv | Format-List
Add a user as a public folder admin
Add-ExchangeAdministrator -Identity '' -Role:'PublicFolderAdmin'
Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics | select DisplayName,TotalItemSize| sort TotalItemSize | export-csv c:\filename.csv
Get a list of all SMTP address of all users.
Get-Mailbox | select -expand EmailAddresses | %{$_.SmtpAddress}
Get a list of currently logged on users
Get-LogonStatistics -Server SRV | export-csv c:\export.csv | Format-List
Get details of managed by in email distribution list
Get-DistributionGroup | fl displayname, managedby
Get full details of any mailbox with certain words in it.
get-mailbox *word* | fl
Give a user full rights over public folders
Add-PublicFolderAdministrativePermission -User username -Identity \PublicFolder -AccessRights AllExtendedRights
Get Cluster InformationRunning a cluster res from CMD will show which Exchange Server is the current node in the cluster.
running a cluster group "Cluster Group" /moveto:ExchSrv01 will move the cluster back to ExchSrv01.
How to find out what server is accepting RPC Connection
get-mailboxdatabase | ft name,RpcClientAccessServer
Change which server a Mailbox with user for RPC connections.
Set-mailboxdatabase -Identity lonmbx1 -RpcClientAccessServer ""
Public Folder cmdlets:
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