
Wednesday, 1 August 2012

XenApp 6.5 Policies Best Practices

Please check out for more of my technical posts, alternately please call us on 01932 268289. 

Well not as such but this is what I setup for a baseline for each and every XenApp server I setup.  It gives you a good starting point to work from and from this point you can then go on to create additional policy to suit your needs and then apply the additional policy with the use of filters so that it applies to the correct group.  This is a mixture of policies that are recommended by Citrix and some that i just like to add in, the Citrix policies were taken from CTX134081 but this article also gives you some great pointers on UPM and Windows GPO's.

If you have any other policies that you like to set in your baseline policies and/or WAN/LAN/Tablet please post them.

XenApp Baseline User Policy.

Apply this policy as your baseline to all users connecting to your XenApp farm.

ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection 

Flash acceleration - Enabled
Flash default behavior - Enable Flash Redirection
Flash event logging - Enabled
Flash intelligent fallback - Enabled
Flash latency threshold - 30 milliseconds

Audio Plug N Play - Allow
Audio quality - Medium
Client audio redirection -  Allow
Client microphone redirection -  Prohibit
ICA\Desktop UI 

Desktop wallpaper - Allowed
Menu animation - Allowed
View window contents while dragging - prohibited
ICA\File Redirection 

Client floppy drives - Prohibit
Client optical drives - Prohibit
Host to client redirection  Disable
Read-only client drive access - Disable
Use asynchronous writes - Enabled
ICA\Port Redirection 

Auto connect client COM ports - Disable
Auto connect client LPT ports - Disable
Client COM port redirection - Disable
Client LPT port redirection - Disable

Client printer redirection - Allow 
Default printer - Set to client’s main printer
Printer auto creation log preference - Errors
Wait for printers to be created (desktop) - Disabled
ICA\Printing\Client Printers 

Auto-create client printers - Default printer only
Auto-generate generic universal driver - Disabled
Client printer names - Standard names
Direct connections to print servers - enabled
Retained and restored client printers - Allowed

Automatic installation of in-bo printer drivers - Disabled
Universal driver usage - Use Universal Printing only if requested driver is unavailable
ICA\Printing\Universal Printing 

Universal printing EMF processing mode - Spool to printer
Universal printing image compression limit - Best Quality
Universal printing optimization defaults - Standard Quality
Caching of embedded images
Caching of embedded fonts
Universal printing preview preference - Use for auto-generated and generic
ICA\Session Limits 

Linger Disconnect Timer Interval - 5 Minutes
Linger Terminate Timer Interval - 10 Minutes
Pre-Launch Disconnect Timer Interval - 15 Minutes
Pre-Launch Terminate Timer Interval - 30 Minutes

Log shadow attempts - Allow
Notify user of pending shadow connections - Allow
Users who can shadow other users - Defined by security
ICA\Time Zone Control 

Estimate local time for legacy clients - Enable
Use local time of client -  Use Client time zone
ICA\TWAIN devices 

Client TWAIN device redirection - Enabled
TWAIN compression level - low
ICA\Visual Display\Moving Images 

Moving Image Compression - Enabled
Server Session Settings
Session importance - Normal
Single Sign-on - Disabled

XenApp Baseline Computer Policy Setting.

Apply this policy as your baseline to all Servers in your XenApp farm.

ICA listener connection timeout - 120000 ms
ICA listener port number - 1494
ICA\Auto Client Reconnect 

Auto client reconnect - Allow 
Auto client reconnect authentication   Not required Require
Auto client reconnect logging   Disabled
ICA\End User Monitoring 

ICA round trip calculation - Enable
ICA round trip calculations for idle connections - Disable

Display memory limit   32768 KB
Display mode degrade preference - Degrade Color Depth First
Dynamic Windows preview - Enabled
Image caching - Enabled
Maimum allowed color depth   32 bit
Notify user when display mode is degraded - Disabled
Queuing and tossing - Enabled

ICA\Graphics Caching
Persistent Cache Threshold - 3000000 Kbps
ICA\Keep Alive 
ICA keep alive timeout - 60 seconds
ICA keep alives - Enabled
Windows Media Redirection - Allowed
ICA\Session Reliability 
Session reliability connections - Prohibited
ICA Shadowing 

Shadowing - Allow
License server host name - License Server name
License server port - 27000
Server Settings
DNS address resolution - Enabled
Full icon caching - enabled
Server Settings\Health Monitoring and Recovery 

Health Monitoring - Enabled
Health Monitoring tests - Use Defaults (please configure as you see fit.)
Server Settings\Memory/CPU 

CPU Management server lever - preferential load balancing
Memory optimization - Enabled
Memory optimization interval - enabled
Server Settings\Reboot Behaviour 

Reboot logon disable time - Choose a value to suit your clients
Reboot Schedule frequency - Choose a value to suit your clients
Reboot Schedule start date  - Reboot Schedule Choose first day of the reboot
Reboot Schedule time - Choose time to restart server
Reboot warning interval - Choose interval which the users are notified about pending restart
Reboot warning users - enabled
Scheduled Reboots - enabled
XML Service 

Trust XML requests - enabled
XML server port - 8080

XenApp WAN/External User Policy.

Apply this policy for users working from branch offices or remote locations with low bandwidth and/or high latency connections.

ICA\Adobe Flash Delivery\Flash Redirection 

Flash acceleration - Enabled

Audio quality -  Medium 
ICA\Client Sensors\Location 

Allow applications to use the physical locations of the client device - allowed (Tablet Devices)
ICA\Desktop UI 

Desktop wallpaper - prohibited
Menu animation - prohibited
View window contents while dragging - prohibited
ICA\File Redirection  

Use asynchronous writes - Enabled 
ICA\Mobile Experience 

Automatic Keyboard Display - Enabled (Tablet Devices)
Launch touch-optimized desktop - Enabled (Tablet Devices)
Remote the combo box - Enabled (Tablet Devices)
ICA\Printing  Wait for printers to be created (desktop) - Disabled 
ICA\Printing\Universal Printing  

Universal printing optimization defaults - Standard Quality
Caching of embedded images
Caching of embedded fonts
ICA\TWAIN devices 

Client TWAIN device redirection - Disabled
ICA\Visual Display  

Max Frames per Second - 15 FPS
ICA\Visual Display\Still Images 

Extra Color Compression - Enabled
Extra Color Compression Threshold - 8192 kbps
Lossy compression level - High
Lossy compression level threshold value - Unlimited